Victorian High Abilities Program

Term 1

Victorian High Abilities Program Term 1 at Taylors Lakes Secondary College


Congratulations to the following students for achieving excellence in either English or Mathematics through the VHAP Program. These students extended their learning and have demonstrated skills that place them in the top 10% of Victoria for their achievement. 

Nehal GoleyChristoper KerrAnnMaree MibusGian Monton
Alex MoseleCameron SEthan AlamArel Birdahic
Addyson BramichIsabella CruzLinkyn DanceyMitchell Fielding
Tej GavankarCallan GilbertOwen HarrisMax Mildenhall
Lucy MillerKasha MyszkaVanessa NguyenGia Nidras
Lawson RichardsYen TaNhu Vu 


Please direct inquiries about High Abilities Learning to E.Green, Instructional and High Abilities Practice Leader.