Office Information

Updating Details

Please ensure all your family contact details are up to date, including contact phone numbers, residential & postal address & email address. We also require your nominated emergency contact details to be current & up to date.  Please inform the office if you have any changes to your contact details.


If your students’ Medical details have changed, please ensure all relevant information is updated through PAM and notify the Office.

Student Absences

Please notify the school office via PAM/Simon Everywhere or telephone on the day your child is absent.  Parents will be contacted if their child has an unexplained absence.  We ask for your support regarding this important requirement.

School Bank Account Details - School Fees

BSB: 083-543  Account Number: 457629298

Account Name: St John's School, Euroa

Bank: NAB  Branch: Bendigo.


We also have a tap and go banking machine in the office, if you would like to pay your fee's through this.

Medications at School

If your child requires medication at school, Parents must bring in the medication and fill out a form identifying the child, class, medication name, dosage, and time to be given. The medication should be in the original container. All medication is dispensed through the office and is signed off on a medication register. Please do not send in medication with your child.

CSEF - Camps, Sports, Excursion Fund


If you hold a current government concession card you may be eligible for $150.00 per child to assist in camps, excursions and sports expenses.  CSEF Applications. 




Students who live 4.8 kilometres from their bus stop or the school (if they are not serviced by a bus and travel by car) you may be eligible for conveyance allowance. Forms can be obtained from the Office.   Please phone Rebekah if you need further information.


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