Student News

This week PLC 1&2 enjoyed learning about our left and rights. We have been reading the story ‘I kick with my Left foot’ by Paul Seden. The story is about an indigenous boy who learns by trial and error how to be a winner at footy, accompanied as he is by his delightfully expressive team-mate dog. The simply told story effortlessly conveys the emotional ups and downs of learning and sport in general, sport in general, and together: learning to play a sport. 


We have focused on left and right during our maths lessons and how to be persistent with our learning and activities during reading and writing. Students got excited to explore and watch some clips of AFL games to link in with the story. We talked about the sport and the actions of kicking and throwing in the game. We practiced these skills during our movement sessions in the hall. 

Students got their exploring/creative shoes on during reading/maths and craft sessions where we listened to songs about left and right. We made our own hand and footprints labelling left and right and make an About me poster about our dominant hand. The students have loved exploring movement through this story and learning about their lefts and rights.