Parent Association 



Icy pole Day 


Our final Icy pole day for term 1 was held yesterday.


Thank you to our Principal team, Mrs Bach, Mrs Franklyn and Mrs Lomas for keeping the students in a spread out, smooth running order.

We want to thank our Year 5 Early Act leaders, Bella B, Carolyn D, Dylan A, Olivia L, Olivia N and Ruby D who did a wonderful job selling and using their maths skills. We love your commitment and enthusiasm and look forward to your continued help throughout the year.


A huge thank you also to our amazing parent helpers, Danielle Y, Laura G, Lucy T, Renae P and Sallyanne S who ensured that today could not have run any better.



Parent Association Term 2 Upcoming events:


Mother’s Day Stall - Wednesday 1st May

Mother’s Day Breakfast – Friday 3rd May

Donut Day – Wednesday 5th June


If you would like to help with any of the upcoming events, we would love to hear from you.


Parent Association email is:


The Parent Association would like to wish all our students and their families a wonderful and restful term break and we look forward to seeing you for more fun in Term 2.