Acting Principal

Melanie Bach

Acting Principal

There is a well-known quote, “All good things must come to an end. That’s why they’re called good things – otherwise they’re just…. ordinary.”


I have loved my short stint at Kingswood Primary School and will take away many learnings. The way the staff work together is very powerful and I was able to observe this when visiting PLC and planning meetings. Students are at the heart of all decisions and planning. The other thing I’ve noticed is that every single person; students and teachers, are learners.  


I’ve been privileged to observe Harvard Project Zero professional development that has been facilitated by leaders who attended Harvard last year with middle leaders. It has been interesting to observe these sessions in action. My first impression is that the quality of professional learning is extremely high. The benefits to the students will be that they will develop their ability to think as an individual and as a community of learners. I’ve heard Sharon Lomas using the following quote, “Learning is a consequence of thinking.” This will stay with me long after I return to Parktone Primary School.


The other thing I love about Kingswood is all the nooks and crannies. How lucky you are to have these lovely, shaded spaces for the children to enjoy and play in. Kitchen Garden is a program that not all schools have the privilege of having. I have sat and sampled fresh zucchini scones, Vietnamese cucumber salad and delicious pear muffins in the company of the children. Works are continuing in the gym and our marvellous maintenance man is installing the shot clock and scoreboard in the gym during the holidays. 


NAPLAN went smoothly for Year 3 and 5 students thanks to Josh Velez, his super team and the Year 3 and 5 teachers. This is another example of Kingswood teamwork. 


Yesterday, three groups of year 4 students presented proposals for Inclusion Spaces. Mrs Franklyn and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing their ideas and thoughts for these projects. 


Aaron Cox, principal extraordinaire, will be back at the helm for the start of term 2. He is recovering slowly, but very well, from his operation. He’s been doing some work behind the scenes at home and is almost ready for action! Look out Kingswood!


I’d like to thank the children, staff and community for making me feel so at home. I hope you all enjoy a lovely Easter holiday break whatever you are doing. Take care and may the Easter bunny be kind, if they come your way!