What's happening in our learning spaces? 


FLWMikayla - For the positive way you have participated in all your learning this week. You are a STAR! Well Done, Mikayla!
FAPFrancesca - For your persistence when sounding out words in your writing. I am so proud of the way you give things a go Francesca! 
FAMJulian - For your persistence and determination when engaging in writing. You are trying so hard to stretch out your words and identify the letters and sounds. Keep it up Julian!
1/2VSDaniel - For being a courageous communicator who shares fantastic ideas and asks wonderful questions. Keep it up superstar! 
1/2VKEvelyn - For being a curious learner and always eager to share! Thank you for being a great contributor in 1/2VK!
1/2VBAlessandra - For your persistence and hard work you put into writing your recount this week. You should be so proud of all the effort you put in. You’re amazing!
3/4BPTommy - For being a persistent and determined learner and always trying your best. Keep it up, Tommy! 
3/4SHAsha - For your persistence, resilience and growth mindset while learning about place value. You're a superstar Asha!
5/6OSZara - For creating an engaging news article about our experience at the Aura Light Show titled “Lost in Lights” and for always putting 110% into everything she does. You are a star Zara! 
5/6BZPoppy - For being a curious learner when using large numbers in MAB blocks to rename place values. Positive work Poppy!
5/6MCAmelia - For being an amazing contributor in class discussions, especially when talking about our upcoming community day. AWESOME Amelia!


We hope everyone had a relaxing long weekend and our energy levels have been reset as we enter into Week 7 of the term! 


Last Monday, as researchers, we participated in our very first Incursion “STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK” which focused on Road Safety for children. We listened carefully to the presenter, Jenni, who shared important road safety messages through songs, games and interactive activities. We learnt about different types of crossings, where to stop on roads and what different signs and colours meant. We sorted out our thinking and new discoveries by drawing and writing about our experience. Check it out below!

As self-managers, we have been learning to be focused, independent learners during Literacy time. As independent learners, we engaged in a variety of different tasks, such as Alphabet Bingo, letter and sound matching and handwriting, to consolidate the letters and strategies we have been focusing on so far this term. 

We had to be respectful and responsible.  We also had time and opportunity to engage in our very first guided reading sessions with our teachers to develop our skills as readers. We can’t wait for our next guided reading group! 

We wonder what exciting learning opportunities await us next week? We hope you have a wonderful week!


Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips & Alycia Marsico, 

Foundation Team

YEAR 1/2

How are we already more than halfway through Term 1? It has been a productive term learning about ourselves as learners. 


This week in the Year 1/2 learning spaces, we had the opportunity to engage with the Year 5/6 students who came to teach us how to play an outdoor game or to learn a new skill. As we engaged in this shared experience, we had to be mindful of the skills that we were using whilst we were being learners. As thinkers, we sorted out our thinking by engaging in conversations with our teachers and peers about each of the skills that we applied and made connections to the learning assets. Together in small groups we were given the challenge of sorting the different skills under each of the learning assets. We did an amazing job at this! As learners, we will continue to apply these skills throughout the year. 

We are also very excited to tune in to our new big question next week, ‘How do things change over time?’ As thinkers we will begin to activate our prior knowledge about historians and show our curiosity by sharing wonderings! 


As readers, we have been exploring phonemes. Over the last few weeks, we have listened to stories and identified letters that have more than one sound. Together with our peers we have developed lists of words that help us to recognise and spell words. We are learning to apply this thinking to our writing as well. It has been a fantastic inquiry into the English language and we will continue our exploration over the next few weeks! 

Thank you to the parents and friends committee for organising Lunch Order Day. We enjoyed the delicious pizza and ice-cream. It was a wonderful way to end the week! 

Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis

1/2 Team

YEAR 3/4

As mathematicians, in 3/4BP we are learning to continue a counting pattern. When we come across a counting pattern we follow these five steps:

  1. Is the pattern going forwards or backwards?
  2. What is the difference between #1 and #2?
  3. What is the difference between #2 and #3? 
  4. Is the pattern the same throughout the sequence?
  5. Continue the sequence

We have been counting forwards and backwards by 10 in hundreds and thousands using these five steps to help us. 


As mathematicians, in 3/4SH we have been continuing to build our knowledge of place value and have been learning how to record, represent and expand large numbers. We used MAB blocks to construct and calculate the value of our names and we even opened up our own class bank so we could use money to help us explore these ideas further. 

As resilient learners, we are learning to identify problems and practice strategies we can use to help solve problems. Ms Sally helped the Year 3/4 students to create a Catastrophe Scale to help us figure out what scale our problem is and how to solve the problem we are faced with. Our Catastrophe Scales are displayed in our learning spaces. As self-managers, we have also begun using our wellbeing journals to help us be reflective, resilient and responsible individuals.

As innovative thinkers, we are learning to build and code a hovering helicopter using the Spike Essential kit. Students collaborated with a partner to build a helicopter using lego and coded the helicopters to make sound, tilt in different directions and light up in various colours. 

As reflective thinkers, we have used International Women's Day on the 8th March as an opportunity to think deeply about the important females who have shaped our lives. We discussed lots of reasons why we appreciate these amazing women and talked about the different ways they go above and beyond for us, how they make us feel like we are superheroes, and how they inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves. Thank you to all the women out there who love, support and motivate us every day.

3/4SH Assembly

Well done 3/4SH for hosting your first whole school prayer and assembly on Friday! 

Have a wonderful week!

Year 3/4 Teachers

Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan 

YEAR 5/6

We hope you had a wonderful long weekend especially with the beautiful sunny weather. 


In our Mathematical thinking, students engaged in renaming numbers. As a way of renaming whole large numbers students created their name using MAB blocks, they used hundreds, tens and ones. Students then identified how many of each value they had, eg. 256 is 2 hundreds, 5 tens and 2 ones. They then had the opportunity to rename their numbers in different number groups eg. that number could also be 25 tens and 2 ones. Have a look at how some of the children created their names and challenged themselves with large numbers.

We were so lucky to be invited to learn with the Year 1/2 students. The Year 1/2 students have been learning about ways we can learn. One way that was identified included learning through other students. The Year 5/6 students kindly taught the Year 1/2s small sports games as a result of learning through other people.

We will begin NAPLAN testing next week for Year 5 students, this will be done digitally this year. 


5/6OS will be hosting assembly this week, we hope to see you all there!


The Year 5/6 Team, 

Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut