Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 7 Term 1

Dear Parents and Carers, 


Catholic Education Week will be celebrated in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne from 10–17 March 2024. This annual event is held to promote the special ethos of Catholic schools and to highlight the great things that take place in Catholic schools every day. The theme for this year’s celebrations is ‘In the Light of Christ’.


Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools and in the wider community by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and walk the way of the gospel to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.


There are 331 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne that educate around 114,000 students and employ more than 16,000 teachers and staff, and most will celebrate Catholic Education Week in some way. Here are some of our whole school activities during the week:

  • Learning and Teaching activities during Religious Education around the theme “IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST' 
  • Year 6 leaders to attend St Patrick's Day Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral & the Primary and Secondary Schools' Creative Arts exhibition with Ms Gasbarro and Mr Frazzetto
  • Year 5/6OS (Ms Sargent) will lead the Whole School Assembly with a focus on Catholic Education Week and St Patrick's Day
  • Selected  students attending Creative Arts Awards' ceremony on Sunday, March 17th, at the Catholic Leadership Centre to accept their awards as winners
  • St Fidelis' School Community Open Day - St Patrick's Day, March 17th -12:00pm-4:00pm

Great News:

At last week's assembly, Mr Frazzetto showed the students and parents the Artwork that was submitted to MACS for this year's Creative Arts Competition. I am pleased to announce that we have winners in three categories (an amazing accomplishment.)

  1. CREATION HANDS - Winners of the photograph media award category
  2. 3D PRINTER - encouragement award by Zart Art
  3. PORTRAITS - Highly Commended, Australian Catholic University (ACU) Curator Award 

Congratulations to the following students…

The Hands of Creation 2023 Year 5/6 

Day 1. Samara Di Bartolo

Day 2. Grace Quarrell

Day 3. Violet Arounsavat

Day 4. James Kowalyk

Day 5. Savannah Alves 

Day 6. Christian Calabro

Day 7. Olivia Scarnozzino


3D Picasso 

2023 Year 3/4 Collaboration


Frida Kahlo's Inspiration 2023 Year 3/4

Artist 1- Samuel Louca

Artist 2- Makayla Mirabelle

Artist 3- Clara Perri

Artist 4- Ava Soares


A huge congratulations to Mr Frazzetto and the children who have won an award. The awards ceremony will take place on Sunday March 17 (our Open Day), at Catholic Leadership Centre (CLC) between 2pm - 4:00pm. Well done Joe and to all the students, what a talented bunch!!!

International Women's Day

Last week, I was fortunate to be invited by our local member Anthony Cianflone, to  Parliament House for morning tea, to celebrate the Great Women of Faith art exhibition by a German artist Barbara Skorupa. I was joined by three principals from our local area, we heard from Lizzie Blandthorn (Minister for Children of Victoria) and viewed an exhibition of portraits of Great Women in Faith such as our very own Mary Glowrey, Mary MacKillop and Eileen O’Connor. 


This exhibition coincided with International Women's Day, a day to express our gratitude to all the important women in your life and to think how we can embrace equality within our world, school, workplace and community.  

Child Safe Standard 3 - 

Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.


Through our Inquiry Units of work and our Religious Education lessons, students are empowered to consider what it means to be safe and ways that they can seek help or report when they feel unsafe. In particular our Inquiry unit “Learning to Learn”, highlights how we can remain safe at school and seek student voice in developing and unpacking the Agreed Ways of working and living at St Fidelis. 


In addition, students unpack and discuss the ‘St Fidelis Child Friendly Child Safe Policy”. Students participation and engagement in the Body Safety Australia Incursion and program, empowers and educates students to understand and communicate their right to bodily autonomy. 


Our Inquiry related to health and human relationships, further assist parents and children to engage in dialogue about human development. This learning within school, supports parents in this role. Through accessing various external experts such as Kids Helpline, children from Foundation to Year 6 are assisted to consider their voice and positive relationships with others. 



Whole School Assembly Change of Date:  THURSDAY MARCH 21ST focus HARMONY DAY 

Harmony Week - Thursday, March 21st

Next week, our school community will celebrate Harmony Week. During this week we celebrate our cultural diversity. Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. 


Throughout the week, the children at St Fidelis will participate in lessons that focus on inclusiveness and our multicultural backgrounds. On Thursday March 21st, Year 5/6MC will lead us in whole school assembly and prayer with a focus on harmony and diversity. 


Each child will receive an orange ribbon to wear as a sign and symbol of our commitment to harmony and diversity. 

Foundation 2025 –School Tours 

School tours for Foundation 2025 have begun. I have been taking personal tours and it’s fantastic to be able to showcase our beautiful learning spaces and facilities that St Fidelis has to offer. 


If you have any friends, family that are interested in a school tour please let them know that they can either book a tour via our website, contact our office by calling 93833600 or contact me directly: mwatson@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au


Sibling Enrolments for 2025 

If you have a child commencing Foundation in 2025, can you please enrol your child by the end of March so we can determine how many places will be available to new families for 2025. We have a high sibling intake in 2025 however, we may have missed some so please ensure you enrol before March to secure your enrolment for 2025. Collect your enrolment form from the school office or download them from our website. 

St Fidelis' Primary School Community Open Day  

Sunday March 17, 12:00pm -4:00pm

St Fidelis' families, parishioners and visitors are cordially invited to tour St. Fidelis' Primary School and experience our newly refurbished classrooms area and contemporary learning spaces. Opportunities to chat with students, parents, teachers and the Principal.


Guided Tours by staff and School Captain

Activities Include:



(Including Fresh Produce, Village Bakery, Confectionary) 








School Fees 2024

You would have received the School fees for 2024. We would appreciate payment as soon as possible. The school has already paid for all of your children's stationary upfront and prompt payment of the first installment would be most appreciated. The office is open from 8:30am to 4:00pm each day if you would like to pay in person. If you prefer to pay by direct debit, please use the bank details below. If any families need to discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of fees, please contact me directly.  

Included are the Bank details for your ease of payment:

CDF (Catholic Development Fund)
BSB:083 347
ACCOUNT:65 603 6380
REF:  Childs name Fee Account Number
ACCOUNT TO:  St Fidelis Primary School

Please note once you have made a payment can you email Ann Russo 

annr@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au with the amount you have deposited.


Concessional School Fee

Families who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for a fee concession:

  •  Any family of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage
  •  Any family holding a HCC and eligible for CSEF
  •  Any family holding a DVA Gold Card
  •  Any family identified as refugees and holding an ImmiCard

Please collect a concession fee application form to be considered for the concession fee.


Have a great week everyone.

Kind regards,
