Early Learning Centre

26/3ELC3 Easter Family Event 
26/3ELC3 Last Day of Term 1 (3:00pm)
28/3ELC4 Last Day of Term 1 (2:30pm)
16/4ELC3 First Day of Term 2
17/4ELC4 First Day of Term 2
25/4ANZAC Day Public Holiday

Happy Easter

It has been a transformational term with new children now settled and parting ways with their parents, the children are playing with one another and building relationships and the Kindergarten community is starting strongly for families with the Family picnic running last week for the three year old class. 


It has been joyful to share in conversations with the children about the true meaning of Easter with the children and engage in conversations about bravery, sacrifice and love as together we explored God created the world, gave us his son Jesus through Mary and Joseph and sent his Son to the cross for each one of us to have eternal life. 


From the educators in the Early Learning Centre, we wish you a wonderful Easter and are looking forward to sharing term two with you. 

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."


Mrs Fiona Whiteside, ELC Director

School Holidays

Please note that ELC3 finish Term 1 on Tuesday 26 March at the usual time of 3:00pm. Students return to school for Term 2 on Tuesday 16 April.


ELC4 finish Term 1 on Thursday at 2:30pm. Students return to school for Term 2 on Wednesday 17 April.

3-Year-Old Kinder

Thank you to all who came to our Family Picnic last Tuesday evening in the ELC. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to spend the evening with the children and family members in our ELC environment, and to see many families beginning to get to know one another a little better. We really value our wonderful Community here at Bayside Christian College!


This week in ELC3 we celebrated Harmony Week and talked about how God has made each one of us with many similarities and many differences. The children looked at and noticed how God has given each of us many different beautiful skin colours. Each child was able to make a face and choose the skin colour they felt was closest to their own. They were then able to add button eyes, hair and other features in colours of their choice. We read “Whoever you are” by Mem Fox, and explored some of the ways different cultures are similar, and different.


Mrs Alyssa Cairns, ELC Teacher


The kindergarten got a visit from lovely insects throughout the week. The student absolutely loved being able to look at these real life creatures and appreciate God's world. We saw a little stick insect joining in on the climbing equipment, and two praying mantis praying with us, a grasshopper, and a little locust sitting in the blocks tub. 


Miss Sasha Johnstone

4-Year-Old Kinder

Sustainability: Making paper

Learning to utilise the resources God has given us, the children were asked to keep their scraps of paper and place them in a box. They explored recycling and reusing by ripping the paper up into smaller pieces, soaking it in water and learning about a blender and how it can assist in creating a pulp. Using a screen the children sifted the water and paper apart and waited until it was dry to reuse it in their creative play. 



For our dramatic play we have set up a medical play. The students dress up with doctors coats and hats, and can use the toy medical equipment. The students study X-ray sheets and get to have an insight to what our bones and bodies are made like. The students played out scenes of illness and healing. 



The children commenced learning about Jesus and created a crown of thorns out of playdough and matchsticks to learn more about Jesus’ death in a play based experience.



Mrs Champion read to the children about Australian birds and surprised the children with puppets along the way. 



Please don’t forget that at the end of next week all hats are to be sent home. Please wash them and return them at the beginning of term four. 


Mrs Fiona Whiteside, ELC Director