Leadership News

Principal's Piece

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33


In about two weeks, we will find ourselves celebrating Easter. Within the Bayside community, Easter will be recognised and celebrated in many different ways. My hope for our community is that regardless of how you go about celebrating easter, that you will take the time to ponder the profound gift that is found in the resurrection of Jesus. 


It is important that we do this because, the simple truth is, that while Jesus has conquered the grave, that aspects of life for many of us (if not all) remain challenging, difficult and often deeply complicated. I know that in these moments that Jesus, our risen Saviour, can seem far away.


For our students, who are looking at the world and seeing absolutely everything if they have a phone and are likely wondering what has changed in our world since Jesus walked the Earth. I am sure they are looking at the world and are seeing and hearing about poverty and persecution, climate change, war and conflict in so many countries. 


Closer to home, our students are struggling with defining success, identity and what will become of them if they can afford a home. In short, I think they are asking themselves, "Are things any better today than they were when Jesus came and (apparently) changed the world"?


Well since then, we know that although nations, technology, social institutions and cultural narratives have changed significantly since then, the human condition is much the same. As God's image bearers we are still living in a world that is not as God intended it to be. Jesus once warned his followers, "In this world you will have trouble", and this we know to be true. But because Jesus has overcome death, we have new life in him and a genuine peace in spite of any struggle we may face. Through Jesus we can strive to enact God's restoration in our daily lives. We can strive to love God, and importantly our neighbours as we look forward to the day when Jesus will return and restore all things to the way he intended them to be.


Easter reminds us that in amongst the ups and downs of life, we have hope. It is hope that we are all seeking. And the good news is that the hope we all desperately seek can be found in the person of Jesus Christ and what happened some 2000 years ago. This is why we must remind ourselves, remind our children and continue to tell the story of Easter. Hope.  


Andrew Manning, Principal

Staff Update

At the end of this term, the College farewells Mrs Hilary Mahoney who has faithfully served the College in a wide range of administration duties for the past 10 years. Hilary will be dearly missed by the team and College community however we are pleased to know her smiling face will be seen around the College with the Baysiders Netball Club. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you Hilary for everything you have done for our College and we wish you the very best at your new venture. 

Positions Vacant

If you or you know of someone passionate about working in a Christian community surrounded by amazing people, one of these full-time roles at Bayside Christian College might just be ideal.

  • Learning Assistant
  • Assistant Property Manager
  • First Aid Officer/Nurse
  • Student Services Officer

For more information, and to apply visit: https://www.baysidecc.vic.edu.au/info/employment


We are also seeking expressions of interest for an Instrumental Teacher (Voice). If this is a role you, or someone you know may be interested in, please email Mr David Mallen david.malled@baysidecc.vic.edu.au 

Bus Consent 2024

Parents and Carers, please be reminded that the Bus Consent 2024 Form must be completed annually for ALL students to be permitted on the College bus service provided by Ventura.


Causal usage tickets are to be purchased at Reception ($5 per trip) and handed to the bus driver, each trip. Bus passes have been issued for all students who are regular users where parent/carer consent has been given and these need to be shown to the driver when requested. 


If your child/ren requires a bus pass please ensure you have completed the  Bus consent 2024 form. and advise Mrs Cindy Reed via registrar@baysidecc.vic.edu.au 

End of Term

School officially finishes next Thursday 28 March at 2:30 pm. Please note that there are different times in the Secondary school due to camps and special events. Please ensure you check communication from your child/ren's Year Level Camps Team to ensure you know the correct dates and collection times. We pray you have a joyous and holy Easter and find time to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Term Two

Term Two commences on Tuesday 16 April (Week B in the timetable cycle). Our next whole school assembly will be Tuesday 30 April (Week 3) at 9 am in K-Block (secondary) gym. We are also excited to invite you to our Open Day on Tuesday 4 May from 10:30 am. Invite your friends and family who might be interested in finding out more about the College.

Visitors to the College

Families are reminded that all visitors to the College must sign in at reception in A-block (South campus) or N-block (North campus). Once signed in, a tag will be printed and must be clearly displayed in a lanyard. At the end of your visit, the lanyard and tag must be returned to the reception desk and you must sign out again.

Collecting Students During School Hours

In the morning, playgrounds close at 8:55 am. All families should depart at this time. Sign-in at reception is required from 8:55 am. During the day, students may only be collected from the office before 3:15 pm. Please go to reception to sign them out. Teachers will be contacted to send children to the office. Please notify the College in advance if you know you need to collect your child/children early.


Parents may enter the College grounds for student collection without sign in from 3pm and wait in the playgrounds/grounds; however, please note that students cannot be collected from classrooms before 3:15 pm unless officially signed out from the office.


Mrs Toni Steinbergs, Deputy Principal

Happy Families

Our school is now subscribed to the Happy Families School Membership! Owned and run by Dr Justin Coulson, one of Australia’s leading parenting experts, the membership offers a wealth of parenting education and resources.

We will regularly share resources available through our membership with you, including Insight Articles and Webinars. You can also access your resources at any time using the below URL (unique to our school) and the password is: happybcc



B2Me: Community Business Directory

Have you discovered the Bayside Christian College B2Me profile? Its purpose is to assist in connecting trusted service providers with the College community in a way that builds valuable relationships. Consider it our very own Yellow Pages or Google!


It takes minutes to create a profile to view and support the many local services offered by members of our community. If you have a business you would like to list, please feel free to add your business profile to our group.
