Parent Information

QKR - On-line Payment App


We are now using QKR.  This App can be used for all payments and permission notes within the school commencing in Term Two – Camps, Excursions, Incursions, Food Days etc. 

The parents who have already used the App can’t believe how easy it is plus you are able to keep a check on what you have paid for and what is outstanding. 

Cash, eftpos and bpay will still be accepted at the school office along with permission slips.

Please see below the instructions for getting QKR on your phone.



P.T.F. News


Wow, we can’t believe term one is almost over! 

We’ve had a great start to the year with fundraising with the sale of icy poles on Thursdays at lunch time and our Annual Easter raffle and colouring in competition coming up this Monday 25th  - make sure you return your raffle tickets as these prizes are like never before, we’ve really set the bar high! 

We’ve got some fun things planned for the kids throughout the year that we are excited to present to you in due course. 

We are always looking for helpers on our major fundraising days - if you are wanting to assist or donate please contact the office


Corrin Kerry 

PTF President