Connect: Year 6

Term One 2024 - 6A, 6B & 5/6C

Hello Grade 6 Families and Friends and welcome to the last Connect for the term!

Firstly, Mrs. Kelly, Mr. Keenan and I would like to say thank you for your support throughout the term.  Your children have had an action-packed term taking part in so many activities that make Skye Primary School such a unique and wonderful place to be a part of.  

Our Year 6's have been such wonderful role models and supports to their Prep Buddies and the prep teachers have told us just how much the Grade 6 support has help with the Prep's confidence.  If you were lucky enough to come to assembly today, you would have seen the Easter Parade with our Grade 6's making it the best experience for the Preps.  

They were fantastic!  



Our Grade 6 Camp is on Monday 27th May at Waratah Beach Camp.  Please keep an eye out for the permission form and the packing list that will be coming home if not today, early next week.  I've been on too many school camps in my time as a teacher and I can honestly say that this one is one of the best.  The experiences and confidence that your child will benefit from is invaluable.  Please check out their website....

Camp Website



will take place next Thursday at Ballam Park.  This is a great day and the weather looks like it's going to play its part.  Mr.J is big on House Spirit so make sure that you encourage your Year 6 of the household to not only wear their House Top, but anything and everything else that will add to the excitement and colour of the day.



Please take the time to relax and enjoy each other's company over the Easter break.  Enjoy your Easter Eggs and remember to keep them away from our K9 friends.  My Greyhound, Honey is a fiend for chocolate, but doesn't pull up well after even a small 'accidental' dose.  If you are lucky enough to get away, enjoy the surrounds, but if you are to stay in Melbourne over the break, remember that there are plenty of great things to do around Melbourne.  Check out the websites below to find plenty to do!


Melbourne Events


What's happening in Frankston