Connect: Year 5

Important Dates - Year 5

  • Easter Hat Parade, Monday 25th March
  • Travel Expo, Wednesday 27th March
  • Last Day of School, Thursday 28th March (2:30pm finish)
  • House Athletics 3-6, Thursday 28th March

What's happening in our classroom?


Moving forward in our literacy learning students will work together in their book club groups. Completing their comprehension roles and discussing their chosen texts with their group members. Through their discussion of the text, they can continue to discover new vocabulary and explore characters, settings and plot.


In writing the students will be working towards editing and publishing their persuasive text. This includes studying the impact of modality words, emotive language, pronouns and facts. Their writing will follow the TEEL structure to assist them in articulating their ideas and arguments.



Over the next week students will be learning to estimate and measure accurately. They will practice making reasonable predictions, recording notes and organising data as well as working collaboratively with others in a group.  Our focus on length and measurement will involve open-ended questions that will require students to investigate, and problem solve together.



Class Dojos

We are very excited to invite all Year 5 families to join our Dojo Classrooms this year. Email links have been sent to all families so you can connect to your child's profile and track their achievements. 


Dojo points are used at Skye Primary to acknowledge our positive school values such as; always trying our best, being organised and ready to learn and showing respect to others. If you have any more questions or any trouble connecting to our class please don't hesitate to let us know so we can help.  

Celebration of Learning

Cyber Safety Workshop


The year 5 students were lucky to have a representative at Optus for a cyber safety workshop. In this session students were challenged to create strong passwords, think critically about maintaining privacy online and learn to take responsibility when engaging with online platforms. 


End of NAPLAN Celebration


On Monday we enjoyed a classroom celebration to congratulate the students on finishing their NAPLAN assessments. We are so proud of all their hard work and determination. 


Harmony Day


Yesterday the year 5's celebrated Harmony Day. By wearing a hint of orange students were able to celebrate the diverse cultures, histories and knowledge within our home country. 

We spent the afternoon sharing stories, making lotus flowers and Harmony Day fact chatter boxes.