The Wellbeing Team

Welcome to the Wellbeing space!

                  🌟 Wellbeing News🌈


Dear Epsom Primary School Community,


I trust everyone enjoyed a delightful and secure Easter. Although Harmony Day has already passed last month, I must recognise the remarkable dedication of our students to their Harmony Day activities, portraying the ongoing theme of 'Everybody Belongs.' 


Students showcased their cultural identities through drawings of themselves and aspects of their heritage, whilst the younger year levels created Harmony Day bracelets. You can appreciate their creations displayed in the library and select classrooms. 


As we look ahead, we have a line up of several more wellbeing focussed days in store. These include Do it for Dolly Day, Pyjama Day with a strong focus Mindfulness, Battens Awareness Day, National Day Against Bullying, and RUOK Day.


          🌟Student Wellbeing Team 🌟


This year, our wellbeing team is placing a strong emphasis on serving as role models for the younger year levels. Being all Year 6 students, they understand their responsibility to demonstrate and support the year levels below them. Their focus includes ensuring the safety of our school yards, teaching how to be an upstander rather than a bystander, and encouraging a culture of speaking up if they see something that doesn't fit our values. 


Our slogan for this year is #ihaveyourback, an initiative developed by The Victorian Education Department, alongside the Melbourne Football Club and students from Victorian government schools. They have united to convey a vital message about bullying: 


"We firmly believe that this message 'I have your back' will create a safer environment in our school community and allow students to feel welcome and safe". 


You'll also notice the slogan #IHAVEYOURBACK printed on our student wellbeing team badges, symbolising the unity of our team and their commitment to setting an example as upstanders, ultimately contributing to a safer school environment. For those interested in more information, visit

🌟Safe at School 🌟

Acknowledging the recent national surge in Family Violence and today's government announcement of improved responses and funding to address this issue, the wellbeing team wish to highlight some important community supports and contact numbers:


🟠 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) This is a 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.


🟠 SAFE STEPS 1800 015 188 24/7 Family and Domestic Violence Support for Victorians.

If you or someone you know is experiencing or afraid of family and domestic violence, you can contact Safe Steps for support by phone, email  ( or web chat.


🟠 The Centre for Non-Violence (CNV)  03 5430 3000 provides a range of preventative and responsive programs for women, men and children affected by family violence and homelessness across the Loddon Mallee Region.


🟠 The Orange Door (1800 512 359) provides help for people experiencing family violence, or who need assistance with the care and wellbeing of children and young people.


🟠 The Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) 03 5441 0430 provides trauma informed counselling, advocacy and support for people who have experienced a recent or historical sexual assault. The service is also available for family and community members who have also felt impacted. CASA also offers specialized advocacy, secondary consultation, community education and professional training within the community and across the sector. For those who have experienced a recent sexual assault, CASA provides 24-hour crisis care that includes counselling, support, information and advocacy for medical care and legal options. CASA also deliver family focused, prevention and early intervention services to children (0- 18 years) who have engaged in problematic or abusive sexualised behaviours.


If your family or children have been impacted by domestic violence please do not hesitate to speak with our WASP's (Clarissa or Jess) so we can respond appropriately to ensure the safety of your children at school.


Thank you,

Jess and Clarissa