(It's Not OK to be Away)
(It's Not OK to be Away)
All absences require an explanation. If your child is absent from school, you will need to call the school office to let us know that they won’t be attending. If your child has any long term absences from school, (e.g. family holidays) a note is required to be given to their teacher informing them of the absence prior to them commencing the absence.
If a child is leaving school early, the parent/guardian is required to come to the office to sign their child out, and wait while staff arrange for the student to meet at the office.
Any child arriving to school after 9.00am is required to attend the office, with a parent/guardian, to obtain a late pass.
Students who are late miss out on important connections with their teacher, their friends and their learning. It is vital your children are here on time.
Students with repeated late attendance or absences are given support by the classroom teacher or a member of the leadership team, with follow-up calls to parents and Attendance Improvement Meetings with a member of the leadership team.
For more information please read the Epsom Primary School Attendance Policy.
School starts at 8:50am.
Classroom lessons begin at 9.00am.
School finishes at 3.30pm.