Diary Dates 

A full 'live' calendar can be found on our School Website via https://www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au/calendar/


15th - School Closure Day_ Staff Professional Development Day

16th- Term 3 commences for students

- PFA meeting 


7th- Preps 100 Days of School Celebration Day

8th- Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Mass 11:45 am: Prep - Year 6 

9th- Mixed Netball Team Final

12th- Subway lunches

15th- Feast of the Assumption Mass 11:45 am: Prep - Year 6

19th- Book Week Dress Up Day 

23rd- Year 5/6 Parliament House excursion

30th - Fathers' Day Breakfast 

           -Fathers' Day Stall

           -Footy Colours Day



18th- Learning Conferences: Students finish at 1:15pm

20th- End of Term 3: Students finish at 1:15 pm