Art of Revolution Showcase

Celebrating a creative semester
At the end of last term, our Art of Revolution class held an exhibition to showcase the work our class had completed over the past semester. The pieces where on display for parents and carers to come and view. There was an excellent turnout, with almost everyone in the class in attendance. The exhibit showed both our first assessment task; a chosen current world issue, represented through a lino print, and the research and investigation behind this issue, and our third assessment task; a monochromatic or oil painted portrait of our chosen revolutionary subject, alongside research and reasoning as to why our selected subjects were revolutionary. It was also a great way for the class to work together and collaborate in order to curate our artworks into a cohesive exhibit. The soft drinks and nibbles where very well received by all the families, carers and students in attendance. Overall, it was a great way to conclude the very fun and enriching semester of Art of Revolution we’ve all had with Ms Metcalf, and a very enjoyable night.
~Mary Caldwell