Community Notices

NCAT Information Evening : 6 August
NCAT is a senior secondary government school created for students who are looking to thrive in a supportive environment of like-minded students in order to complete a Year 10, VCE or VCE Vocational Major and go on to tertiary courses, apprenticeships or employment into all areas of the visual and performing arts, design, multimedia, photography or the trades and technologies
Their information evening for prospective 2025 students is coming up on the 6th August.
It’s also a great opportunity for students considering doing VET to see the college and find out about programs. Pre-register using this link or scan the QR code in flyer below.
Invitation to participate in RMIT Research study
French Brunch Club for French and French-speaking parents
Salut Francophiles! Local Fairfield parents have started up a brunch once a term for parents who speak French and would like to connect with other French speakers and practise on a casual basis. We try to organise one meeting per term at Cafe Flo on High St and no ongoing commitment is required.
We would love any French-speaking Northcote parents to join us! There are fluent speakers, but you don’t need to be fluent, just willing to have a go at speaking French. Everyone is willing to help each other out if they are stuck for words. If you are interested in joining our What’s App group contact Anna on 0415 505 475.
Come and try Karate in Coburg
Parkside Netball seeking players
Invitation to participate in Public Health research project
Do you have an adolescent daughter aged 10-14 years old?
We are seeking Victorian parents’ and guardians’ views on a chlamydia vaccine for their adolescent daughters or children with a cervix. You are invited to participate in a zoom or phone interview (30-45 minutes) to share your thoughts on the vaccine and what you would want from it to be acceptable for roll out. Participants will receive a $40 Prezee voucher.
If you are interested in participating, please scan the QR code to fill in a short contact form. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Paterson or Professor Jane Hocking