Student Services : Wellbeing

Welcome to Term 3!
As we embark on Term 3, we hope that you are feeling refreshed and reinvigorated after the mid-year Winter break. This term is a busy one for the Student Services, Wellbeing team with lots of programs focusing on mental health, wellbeing and respectful relationships being run throughout the school. Students from across all year levels are involved in programs including Raise Youth Mentoring; Teen Mental Health First Aid;
Love Bites; and NCASA workshops. We also plan to celebrate Wear it Purple and RU Okay day.
As always, the Student Wellbeing team offer short and medium-term counselling to all students. If you’re concerned or worried about yourself, a family member, peer, or friend please get in touch.
Love Bites lowdown
Over the course of Term 2, the Student Wellbeing Team and Secondary School Nurses have been facilitating the Love Bites Junior ‘#Friends’ Program to most of the Year 7 classes. This term, 7I and 7J will have the opportunity to participate to share their ideas and learn how to have healthy and safe relationships with people in their community.
NAPCAN (National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) developed the #Friends program after many communities across Australia identified concerns about how young people’s use of social media was impacting on their relationships and wellbeing. The program focusses on building young people’s abilities to think critically and act mindfully in relation to how they manage their relationships in general and via social media.
More infromation on what NAPCAN offers in available here.
Stay well this Winter
With so much going on in our school this term it’s important to do what we can to ‘Stay well this Winter’, so we can all get the most out of the term.
In Victoria, influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection numbers are high among school-aged young people, particularly in those in their first few years of school. The Victorian Department of Health expects more respiratory infections over Term 3.
Most children with flu or RSV have a mild fever, runny nose or cough. Some children, particularly babies and children with underlying medical conditions, may have more severe illness.
Parents, carers, and students are encouraged to:
- wash and sanitise their hands regularly
- avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing · stay at home if unwell and consult a general practitioner (GP) or NURSE-ON-CALL as needed
- stay up to date with flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
Flu vaccinations:
Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and your family from getting the flu. Annual flu vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and older. As part of the National Immunisation Program, it is free for:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and older
- children aged 6 months to under 5 years
- people aged 6 months or older with underlying medical conditions.
Flu vaccinations can be booked through GPs, pharmacies or your local council immunisation service.
Find out more:
For more information about staying safe this winter, refer to:
- Stay well this winter on the Better Health Channel, translated into 16 languages
- Influenza and immunisation on the Better Health Channel
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) on the Better Health Channel
- Getting vaccinated against influenza.