Year 9 Sculpture

Inspiring NGV Excursion
At the end of last term, the semester 1 Year 9 Sculpture class went on an excursion to the NGV at Federation Square to see the Nina Sanadze exhibition. Nina Sanadze is a contemporary Melbourne artist who explores the relationship between public monuments and changing society. Some of the artworks look like fragments of public art that have been toppled or broken. Nina’s work inspired us, and we learned about the different techniques used to make her beautiful work. We all spent time drawing the sculptures to inspire us in future art projects, and to learn how Nina’s work conveys emotion and represent meaning within the art. We also looked at the Top Arts 2024 exhibition and saw some impressive VCE student work to inspire us. We were proud to see a Northcote High student, Ella Robbins, in the exhibition. Overall, the excursion was really fun, and everyone had a good time.
~Saskia F