Student Leaders

Captain's Corner, Wellbeing & Environmental

Captains Corner

Welcome to Captain's Corner term 2 week 11.


The days are getting shorter and the term is coming to an end.  


On the last 2 days the Senior Unit will be going on camp to Campaspe Downs in Kyneton, which will be a good end to this everlasting, freezing, cold term.


On another note, Year 5's went to Gisborne Secondary School on the 24th June, to experience a fun day in the life of a high school student.  It was an amazing experience for the Year 5's to learn about the atmosphere and subjects of high school.


This week is also a big week for the preps as they are now almsot half way through their first year at school.  How amazing is that! 

All the preps have had a great starting semester and are set up for a very good future.


Thank you for reading Captain's Corner, have a good holidays.


Alita, Lacey, Kento and Tom