Year 5/6 - Senior Unit

What a term it has been! Thank you to all of the families who came to our Science Fair a couple of weeks ago. It was brilliant to see so many families and friends come to share in our learning and even more exciting to see the magnificent presentations the students had put together throughout the term!
In Literacy this fortnight, students have been working in class teams to draft arguments for our Senior Unit debate. We held one of the debates yesterday between 5/6S and 5/6C, battling it out to decide if fiction or nonfiction was better. 5/6C were the reigning champions however all students did a superb job in their arguments and rebuttals. Well done!
In Numeracy, students all created a holiday budget with $10,000. They could go anywhere in the world and plan any activities they wanted. Students successfully used Google Sheets to formulate and present their budget. They then created a Google Slide presentation to share their holiday planning with others.
Today, the Senior Unit is off on their long awaited camp to PGL Camp in Tylden. We can’t wait to share some happy snaps and memories with you all when we return tomorrow!
Year 5/6 Teachers
Andrea Evans (56E), Kasey Ward (56W), Nathan Spilsted (56S), Katie Cashen (56C), Iain Sparrey (56W)