Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

As we reach the midpoint of the school year, it's always exciting to reflect on the accomplishments of students and staff, and to recognize the connections and collaborations that have made a positive impact on the community. There are so many success stories and positive outcomes for our students which will be reflected in their Semester One reports that you will receive this week. As reflective learners our students have shared their achievements, challenges and goals which offer great insight into what has the biggest impact on their learning and provides engagement at school.

Some of their highlights of the term included:

  • Making Beeswax Wraps
  • Gymnastics
  • Kidsview Social Justice Conference
  • First Eucharist
  • Bush Dance
  • Student First Aid Training
  • St John's Long Walk
  • Extension Group Challenges
  • Puppet Shows
  • Kaboom Sports Day
  • Ballet Excursion
  • Mother's Day Breakfast
  • Grandparents and Special Visitors Day
  • Gala Sports Days

Thank-you to all of our school parents and families for your ongoing support throughout the term. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming and inclusive community and we wouldn't be able to offer all of these fantastic programs without you volunteering your time and energy to assist. I am so grateful for the trust you put in me and our amazing staff team. We are all looking forward to another big term of learning and collaborating.


This week you will receive your child's Semester Report. It will include information about each of the curriculum areas and your child's individual achievements in relation to the standard expected of their year level cohort. It will also include individual comments in relation to student learning progress and information about student behaviour and effort in class. It will be sent via an email link on the PAM portal.


In Term 3 on Tuesday, 23 July, we will be holding our Parent/Teacher/Student-Led Conferences. This will be an opportunity for you and your child to discuss their progress, achievements and future learning goals. 

For bookings please go to the link below



Your child has shared samples of their learning on Seesaw

We appreciate parent comments and feedback via this digital portfolio so please be sure to log in and acknowledge your child's achievements.

You are warmly invited to celebrate our students learning this term and to participate in a Health and Wellbeing Lifestyle Expo! Students will be sharing activities and information with all participants and we hope you are able to come along and join the experience. The expo will take place in all of the classrooms on Tuesday, 25 June from 2:20pm - 3:20pm.


Students may wear FREE DRESS this Friday for the last day of Term.

Please join us on Friday at 12.15pm for our Final Assembly.

Staff Updates

This week will be our PE Teacher, Emma Pattison's, last week as she will goes onto maternity leave. We are grateful that she stepped into this role and engaged and inspired our students across the school in so many games, sports and fundamental motor skills. We wish her well and look forward to hearing about the birth of her baby in the coming weeks. 

Our new PE Teacher will be Michael van Rooy, commencing in Term 3. We are delighted that he will be joining our team at St John's. We also have a new learning Support officer working in Year 3/4A, as Sarah is currently on extended leave, supporting her family. We warmly welcome Amina to our staff team also.

St John's Family Bush Dance

There were smiles all around on Friday as we danced and sang along with the Billy Tea Bush Band. Throughout the day the students were taught a variety of dances including The Waltz, The Tango and The Heel and Toe. The older students were partnered with a younger student as their dance buddy. The teachers were all modelling dances also and it was loads of fun for everyone. In the evening it was the parents turn to learn the dances and join in the fun. It was an energetic and entertaining night and certainly a highlight of the Term. Special thanks to the Parent's Association for organising the raffle on the night, particularly Julie for her involvement. There were lots of prizes to be shared. 

Parents Major Fundraiser 

Disco Bingo - Friday Evening, 9 August 

On Friday, 9 August, St John's Parents and Friends are invited to a night of fun and entertainment with Dolly at her Disco Bingo Fundraiser. It will be a night of interactive entertainment, including games, dancing and so much more.

It is Time to BOOK your table so gather your friends!/shops


DONATIONS would be appreciated for auction items, raffle prizes or for games prizes on the night. Please leave any donations at the Office.

St John's Winter Holiday Jokes

Why was the snowman sad Cause he had a meltdown.

What do you call a snowman with a six pack? An Abdominal Snowman.


Have a safe and enjoyable holiday. Enjoy the fresh air and some special family adventures. We look forward to seeing you all back safely in Term 3.


Verona Gridley
