Fun in Foundation L

Term 2

What a fun term we've had here in Foundation L. The students have displayed so much growth this semester with their learning and it has been a pleasure to witness. Over the last few weeks we have delved into some fun topics! Have a look at some of the wonderful work we've been doing in our class.


This term, we have had a focus on Australian animals throughout our literacy lessons. We read various picture story books with Australian animals and learnt about their coverings and habitats. The students wrote a short information report about an animal of their choice using vocabulary words from the board. They did a remarkable job with this activity. 

After our excursion to Moonlit Sanctuary, the students wrote some recounts to describe where we went, what they did and who they went with. We use colourful semantics in class to help with their sentence writing. Check out some of our awesome recounts!


In math, we have been learning about teen numbers and place value. The students have been using different resources, including bundling sticks to show how to make teen numbers.