Principal Post

Dear Families,
Who remembers what they wanted to be when they grow up? Our students have been talking and we seem to have so many who want to be teachers which is a wonderful testament to our staff- excellent role models. The Winter Appeal
is so important to our local Mulgrave community. At the moment the St Vincent de Paul representative informed us of the urgent need for food. This is a real chance for us to put Social Justice into action to support families in need.
Public Speaking
This week our 5/6 students completed their 8 week public speaking course. thank you to all the families who cam to the last session to hear the final speeches. Some students gave prepared speeches and other were off the cuff.
We thank Sandra de Geest for supporting the students development and confidence during these sessions.
Resilience Awards
This week at assembly two people won Empathy Awards. Miss Neofit Showing kindness and concern for others , always putting her students first and Nyapaar Gatluak by showing kindness by inviting others to play to make sure no one is lonely.
Sick or Absent
If your child is unwell or absent do not forget to ring or email the administration office to let them know.
If you like you can also send a seesaw message to let their teacher know. It is very important that with all the illness in the community to keep your child at home if they are showing symptoms.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Our PBL lessons officially begin in term 3. Each Monday a lesson will focus on a different aspect of behaviour and explicitly teach what is expected. Students will be rewarded consistently for displaying the
positive behaviour.
Students will focus on:
I am Responsible when I...
I am Respectful when I.....
I am Resilient when I....
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews Dates & Times:
Tuesday 25th June 3.30pm -7.30pm
Wednesday 26th June 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Friday 28th June - Maths PL for Staff only
St Vinnies Winter Appeal Casual Clothes Day
Tuesday 25th June -' What I Want to be When I Grow up Day' .Dress up and bring items for the St Vincent Winter Appeal.
You can start bring non perishable foods now if you wish to support this good cause. St Vincent de Paul are in desperate need of food.
Keep the date Free
Friday 26th JULY - Grandparents Day Mass / Morning tea / Activities in the classroom.
NAPLAN Results
NAPLAN individual results will be sent to schools early next term. National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) 2024 final results delayed.
ACARA has notified jurisdictions of a delay in the release of the NAPLAN 2024 final Student and School Summary Reports (SSSR) that were initially scheduled to be available on Friday 14 June but now we will receive summary reports at the end of term and individual results early term 3.