5/6O - Recent News

Term 2, 2024

Winter GALA Days

On Friday 7th June and Friday 14th June, 5/6O competed in two Winter GALA Days. The children were involved in Soccer, Netball, Softball and Australian Rules Football (AFL). They participated in weekly practice sessions leading up to these events in order to learn key rules and positions, develop and refine necessary skills and trial different game strategies. It was very pleasing to see excellent sportsmanship, enthusiasm and teamwork on display when versing other schools in our region! Congratulations to our boys Softball team who have progressed to the next level of the competition (Division). A big thank you to our P.E. Teacher Mrs Sophie Sullivan for her thorough organisation of these days. Well done to our House Captains for their diligent assistance to support the successful running of practices and games this term. 

Parliament Incursion - ‘Parliament Process’

On Monday 17th June, Isabella from Linked Incursions ran a ‘Parliament Process’ session with 5/6O. The students examined the democratic process in Australia. They revised the difference between ‘government’ and ‘parliament’ and explored the roles of the three levels of government. The children engaged in an interactive federal election to learn more about preferential voting and absolute majorities. To conclude the session, 5/6O participated in a Federal Parliament role play, with costumes and props, to understand how bills become laws. Students formed political parties and added their own opinions to a lively debate. 

Public Speaking - The Last Hurrah!

Yesterday, all 5/6O students graduated from the Advanced Presentation Skills Youth Leadership Program. The children were assigned different roles for this final session including Master of Ceremonies, Recorder and Reporter, Cards and Stopwatch Person and Evaluator. 8 students delivered an ‘off the cuff’ speech and 7 students presented a prepared speech about themselves or a topic of interest. A tremendous amount of growth has been demonstrated across the 8 sessions. The students now use eye contact, body language and vocal variety when speaking in front of an audience to enhance engagement. Congratulations to our award winners Alisha, Stevie, Jessica and Krishay who received special trophies. Thank you to the facilitator Ms Sandra de Geest for her passion, encouragement and guidance.