Classroom Connections

On behalf of the student leaders, we wish you an amazing holiday. Thank you all for a wonderful term 2 and we look forward to the term ahead.
Please click on the below link.
Historical Narratives 5C and 5D
During Term 2, the students of 5C and 5D have been very busy writing ‘historical narratives’. This is in relation to our Unit of Inquiry: ‘How Society Changed Throughout the 20th Century’.
Students chose a specific decade (between 1900-1999) in which to set their narrative. They learnt to ‘show, don’t tell’ the decade their narrative was set in by placing clues in their story. The clues included fashion, global events, technology, music of the time etc.
The students have been engaged in the process of writing and the steps that an author takes to reach the final product. They created a plan, completed a first draft, engaged in peer conferencing, proofread and edited and then wrote a second draft incorporating the feedback from their peers, and making necessary amendments to grammar and punctuation.
Once the students had completed their second draft, they once again engaged in peer and teacher conferencing. The final stage was then to thoroughly edit and then publish.
Students designed title pages, an ‘about the author’ page and a blurb. Their final copies were sent to Mr Beal for printing.
Students then engaged in an author’s session where they were able to share their narratives with the class.
Their final products are impressive! They are now published authors!
The students have not only learnt a lot about the writing process but they have learnt a lot about history, which was also evidenced in our AMAZING 5/6 expo last week.
Environment Leaders.
CJC’s environment leaders have continued to participate in the Dolphin Research Institute’s ‘I Sea I Care’ program.
This term, they learnt about some of the marine creatures that live in Port Phillip Bay, and how we can protect them.