
Refugee Week

Sunday, 16 June to Saturday, 22 June 2024


Refugee Week is an opportunity to take time to learn about the experiences of people who have sought refuge and asylum and the challenges they face in their quest for freedom and safety. It is an important time to celebrate the contributions refugees are making to our communities and consider how we can take action together for justice.

Source and main image: Refugee Council of Australia


God of love,

You walk with all your people,

You welcome the neighbour and the stranger.

May we do likewise, acting for justice,

so that all people know peace and freedom,

at home and far away.


God of care,

you feed the hungry and

make room for all who are displaced.

May we do likewise, acting with compassion,

so that all people fleeing poverty and fear

find what they need to live well.


God of freedom,

you meet us where we are, and make the way for life.

May we do likewise, acting in solidarity

with all people, especially migrants

and refugees, to realise hope together.



Source: Caritas Australia