Student Awards 

Student of the Term - 28th June 2024

PEMiss PurcellThe Year 6 medley swim team.For your incredible efforts and a first place result at the State Swim Competition - what an achievement. Congratulations again!
PEMiss PurcellAlexia K 6TJFor always putting in 100% during the invasion games unit, playing hard at both attack and defence, along with a great sporting attitude. Well done Alexia!
PEMiss PurcellDaham P 2EBFor always working hard and displaying outstanding skills in Phys Ed each week. Great work Daham!
PEMrs DruryRay X 3JNFor demonstrating excellent golf skills and technique. Well done Ray!
Visual ArtsMrs OrfordAbinesh A 3JNFor the interest and enthusiasm he demonstrates when creating fantastic art projects and for his wonderful descriptions of the processes to our visiting parents. Well done Abinesh!
Visual ArtsMrs OrfordLeanna Z 6JSFor the beautiful art work she consistently creates using outstanding skills and techniques. A super effort Leanna.
Visual ArtsMrs OrfordArathi M 2SMFor her interest and enthusiasm towards her art projects and for producing an excellent and colourful Aussie Bunyip. Congratulations Arathi.
Visual ArtsMrs BakerAmber A 4SMYou completed a colourful Aussie Animal project with great attention to detail. Your positivity, enthusiasm and helpfulness in every Art class is always appreciated. Well done Amber! 
Lote - MandarinMiss LuChloe P 1SQFor consistently giving her best efforts and challenging herself in learning. Well done Chloe. 
Lote - MandarinMiss LuAnanya P 3LDFor always showing positivity and enthusiasm in language activities. Keep up the good work Ananya!
Lote - MandarinMiss LuLena W 5DCFor demonstrating excellent comprehension and writing skills in Mandarin. Well done Lena!
Lote - FrenchMrs LordingEzra R 4MGFor quickly mastering all new vocabulary in French and finding clever ways to put known language together. Bravo Ezra!
Lote - FrenchMrs LordingRyan W 2CLFor a wonderful attitude to learning and participating in French. Ryan always does his best!
Lote - FrenchMrs LordingAdhya K 6LVFor being a very consistent and focussed learner in French. Adhya can always be relied on for well thought out answers. Bravo Adhya!
Performing ArtsMr SlaterAbinesh A 3JNFor showing an absolutely amazing amount of enthusiasm in Performing Arts this year. Well done Abinesh!
Performing ArtsMr SlaterAdrian T 6LVFor calmly and consistently improving his Performing Arts skills, this term and every term. Well done Adrian!
Performing ArtsMrs RoughtonAlexander T 1LPFor your focus, concentration and motivation when learning new songs, dances and drama movements. Keep up the great work Alexander!
Performing ArtsMrs RoughtonMatthew Y PKWFor confidently clapping and making up 4 beat rhythms and playing them in different tempos. Fantastic effort Matthew!
RoboticsMr StocktonCedric F 4MPFor consistently displaying great engineering skills and leadership. Your efforts really supported your team to build some great structures for your Sphero. Well done Cedric!
RoboticsMr StocktonSophia C 4MGFor always displaying great leadership within your team. You showed some great leadership and engineering skills. Keep up the great work Sophia!
RoboticsMr StocktonAmairaa A 5BTFor displaying a fantastic work ethic with impressive robotics skills. You did a fantastic job of building programming and robotics knowledge. Keep up the fantastic work Amairaa!
RoboticsMr StocktonGeorge Y 5ARFor always demonstrating excellent engineering and programming skills. Your interest in the subject was clear and your efforts to improve were exceptional. Well done George!
EALMrs LuSophie Z 6JSFor always providing thoughtful and insightful answers during class discussions. Congratulations Sophie!
LibraryMrs RoughtonElliott S 5TLFor the amazing effort you have put into selecting books that you are interested in and showing more joy in reading. Keep up the great work Elliott!
LibraryMiss MasonJames T PLLFor being such a keen Library visitor who always enjoys excitedly discussing the books we share together. Amazing effort James!
LibraryMiss MasonMeghna L 1LPFor sharing thoughtful answers and ideas about the books we read and always showing great responsibility in the Library. You’re a superstar Meghna! 
LibraryMiss MasonNoah M 3JNFor always sharing enthusiastically in Library lessons, especially when focusing on Roald Dahl books, and thinking of fantastic connections between texts. Keep up the wonderful effort Noah!