Sports Report

Term 2, Week 10

School Athletics Carnival

The annual School Athletics Carnival was held at David Taylor Oval, Werris Creek last Friday 28th June.  It was great to see so many students competing and enjoying the day.  Thank you to all Parents/Carers who helped and came to cheer on the day.  Our numbers are currently being tallied and we will announce our champion's early next term.



The Naidoc cup will be held again this year at Wallhollow Public School.  All students from Yr 3-6 have been invited to attend.  It is important to note that students will need parent transportation on the day.


Upcoming Events

Friday 26th July - Soccer Knockout Competition (Term 3, Week 1)


If your child is in Years 5 and 6 and has an interest in participating in any PSSA sporting activities, they will be given a note to fill in and return.  Please note that all notes must be submitted by the due date as late entries will not be accepted.


Kind regards


Neil Wilcox

PSSA Sport Co-Ordinator