Principal's Message

From the Desk of Kathy Nott - Term 2, Week 10

Good Afternoon Parents/Carers,


Well what a busy term it has been.  I can hardly believe that we are in Week 10.


School Athletics Carnival

Our School Athletics Carnival was held last Friday 28th June at David Taylor Oval.  Congratulations to all of our students who participated on the day.  It was an outstanding event, and you should all be very proud of your efforts.  Thank you to Mr Wilcox for organising the event and to Mr Sherlock and Mr Dellar for line marking the field for the day.  A big thank you to the P&C for providing the Canteen on the day.  


NAIDOC Week Celebrations

Yesterday we held a Welcome to Country with flag raising and morning tea with the Elders of our community.  Thank you to Mr & Mrs Porter for assisting us in raising our flag to officially start our celebration.  It was great to see our community take part in what will be a great week celebrating NAIDOC.  The following events will be taking place this week:

Tuesday 2nd July - Yrs 5&6 will be attending the Werris Creek MPS to entertain the residents with a song and enjoy a morning tea.  

Wednesday 3rd July - NAIDOC Activities will be taking place in the classroom with Elizabeth Price.  

Thursday 4th July - The annual NAIDOC Cup touch football competition will be held at Walhallow Public School with our Yr 3-6 students.  Werris Creek Public are the reigning champions, and we look to defending the title again.  Good Luck to all of our students taking part.  This year's theme is "Keep the fire burning! Blak, Loud & Proud". 




School Reports

Our first semester reports will be sent home this Friday, 5th July with students.  


School Holidays & Term 3

I would like to wish everyone a very safe and happy term break.  I look forward to welcoming you back for Term 3.  Staff return on Monday 22nd July and Students return on Tuesday 23rd July.


Term 3 will begin where we left off for Term 2 – busy and hectic!  On Wednesday, 24th July we will celebrate Kindergarten students being at school for 100 days, Thursday, 25th July all students will enjoy some science activities with the UNE team.  On Friday, 26th July, Mr Wilcox will accompany students to Gunnedah for the Small School Soccer Knockout.  


Kind regards


Kathy Nott
