Support Services

CatholicCare: Vacation Care:

School holidays are just around the corner! 


CatholicCare, who manage 17 of our OSHC’s have an exciting vacation care program lined up. This holiday break, a wide range of activities and local excursions are happening in your area. Click here to learn more.


 Cinderella and Rockerfella

Our CAPA group are now having auditions for their new play ‘Cinderella and Rockerfella’, a modern reworking of the classic tale.


CAPA rehearsals are every Monday (lunchtime, after the eating bell) in the Steam room. This opportunity is available to children in Years 2,3 and 4.


Leona Nash - Creative Arts


CSBB Contractor & Volunteer Engagement Form

Please remember, all volunteers to Holy Family MUST register using the QR code below