Engaging in our Faith 

 Thank you!

Our Grandparents and grand friends certainly were greeted with lots of hospitality thanks to our generous parent community! Thanks everyone for all the love that went into preparing or buying the food. Special thanks to the Year 3 Class Parents and the seniors who did such a wonderful job serving too not to mention the talented orchestra and strings and pianists! Connecting with Parish: This year we also had some help from some of our elderly parishioners who adopted any children without a grandparent for the morning. Each classroom had a parishioner allocated to their classroom and it seemed to bring great joy to both children and parishioners alike. Thanks to our P & F President for this idea! Let's hope we can continue to make this a tradition as many of our real grandparents reside overseas.

Jos with Brendan and Aka in Year 1
Jos with Brendan and Aka in Year 1
Dancing in Year 4
Dancing in Year 4


Evelynne in Year 3 was busy!
Evelynne in Year 3 was busy!

Vacation CareI

It's holidays! What to do with thekids if you have to work? Vacation Care - CatholicCare (catholiccaredbb.org.au)

Other Parent Links 

 ADVICE + TIPS | Parent Line NSW

 Support for Single Parents | CatholicCare Sydney

And there are some wonderful courses for parents to enrol in at

 Parentshop eNewsletter (schoolzineplus.com) I draw your attention to the 123 Magic one in particular.


Anne Gray - Parent Engagement Coordinator



The Religious Creative Arts Competition is a well-established event at Catholic Schools Broken Bay and has been running for the past 10 years. Many talented artists over the years have been recognised for their skill and creativity.


The ‘Religious Creative Arts Competition’ includes 5 categories:

  1. visual arts 
  2. dance
  3. drama
  4. music
  5. short film

Students will plan, prepare and work on their creative pieces during Term 2 & 3.


Submissions will need to be handed in to schools by August 16th, Week 4 of Term 3.

School Finalists' visual art works are due to Caroline Chisholm Centre by August 30th.  


Local judging will take place followed by a selection of finalists. These finalists will then be featured at the ‘Showcase Night’ to be held at the Hornsby RSL at 5:30pm on 13 November, 2024.


The Showcase night will feature a visual art display, plus screenings of selected short films and selected performances by finalists in dance, drama and music. All age group category winners will receive a prize and a Bishop's choice award will be presented on the night to one recipient. 


Student finalists will have the opportunity to perform alongside industry professionals during the showcase concert.


One of the key elements of the competition is how students demonstrate their understanding of and connection to the religious theme. In 2024, the theme is one of the CSBB core values, JOY. “May the God of hope fill you with joy​​​​​​.” (Romans 15:13). Students will be required to link their creative piece directly to the religious theme by answering the question; How is this theme lived out or demonstrated today? 


As well as creating an artwork, short film, dance, drama or music piece, students will need to write a 150-word explanation (maximum word count 150wds) to accompany their artwork. Students can use the 150 words to outline how their artwork connects with the theme.


The 2024 Religious Creative Arts Competition is open to all CSBB school students from Kindergarten to Year 10.


Please CLICK HERE for rules.



Congratulations to our students who will be celebrating their confirmation this evening:

Éabha C, Sophia L, Benjamin S, Iris M, Oliver R, Harry R, Conor B, Janice G, Andrea G, Isabella K, Richard L, Jaslyn L, Ashlyn L, Isaac W, Louis A, Isabelle K, Ellie L, Danielle W and Zander B.


May the Holy Spirit bring you peace, love and joy.


Kind regards

Liana Stella - REC