PBIS Blitz

NEW - Term 2 Week 7 & 8 PBIS Blitz

Week 6 roundup - 'Taking Responsibilty for our Actions'

Last week we had some wonderful activities happening at St Mary’s. Thursday’s second lunch was a delight. The sun was shining and people were having a wonderful time. Students organised a football and netball game, people were playing downball, wallball and in the sandpit.  Thanks for following the rules when playing games.


Week 7 Blitz - ‘Taking responsibility for our Belongings’.  

The new PBIS Blitz is being responsible for our belongings. As part of this we strongly request students and families check students their jumpers to make sure they are named, if they are named this makes it easier to return them to their owner. 

We have so many jumpers in lost property and they are not named. The office counted 42 lost jumpers and only 4 of these had names on them and could be returned to the students classrooms. 

Along with Jumpers, All student belongings should be named. 



Week 8 Blitz - ‘Taking responsibility for our Belongings’.  

At Assembly the students were reminded about our blitz and making sure their belongings, were named, in particular labelling jumpers.

To help with this, some of our 5-6 students went to the 1-2 classes last week and helped with naming student belongings. 

Let’s all keep caring for our belongings. Let’s all label everything, be prepared for work,

put our lunchbox away and bring back our home reader.


House Point Update.

McAuley is on 47 points, 

Ryan is on 51 points, 

Archer is on 78 points and 

Marian is leading with 88 points. 


Let’s keep going and break 400 PBS tokens by week 11.