Catholic Identity

Mercy Prayer

We pray for the Sisters of Mercy, who established our school and for the priests who have  served at St. Mary’s.  

It is through their vision,  determination and strong faith that we enjoy the benefits of a Catholic Education here in Mooroopna.

We are proud to be a Mercy School, where the values of love and justice are taught and lived every day.




New news!

St. Vinnie’s Winter Appeal.

Our annual St. Vinnie’s Winter Appeal begins this week and continues until the end of term.

We invite families to donate up-to-date non-perishable food items, as well as NEW Winter clothing such as pyjamas, socks, blankets, beanies, jumpers, coats and gloves.

Each classroom has a washing basket to be filled and donated to St. Vinnie’s to assist those less fortunate than ourselves as part of our Social Justice efforts.

Donations may be sent to school with your child or left at the Office.

We appreciate your contributions to this annual appeal!



New news!

Prayer Liturgy of Compassion.

Our whole school community will celebrate a Prayer Liturgy of Compassion on Friday, 14th June at 10.30am in the Marian Centre. This will replace our usual Mass of Compassion, celebrated each year on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, which is this Friday.

Our students will lead the prayers, readings and singing at this prayer liturgy.

All families and friends are most welcome to join us and are asked to bring a donation for St. Vinnie’s to add to our baskets of new Winter clothing and non-perishable food items if able.




New news!

Special Friend/Grandparents Day Celebrations.

Mark this date on your calendar now!!

On Friday, 26th July (Week Two of Term Three), we will celebrate “Special Friend/Grandparents Day” with classrooms open for visitors from 9:00am - 10:00am and then a whole school special concert from 10:00am - 10:40am.

All classes will present a short song, dance or musical item during this concert!

This event coincides with the Feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim, the parents of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, which is celebrated on this day. It also celebrates the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, which is on Sunday, 28th July.

Children are encouraged to invite a special family friend or grandparent to have a look at their work, enjoy a classroom activity with them and then attend the concert!



New news!

Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Congratulations to the following students who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last Tuesday night! 

Special thanks to all families, Mons. Peter, Mrs. Jodie Cox and the Grade 3/4 teachers, Maree Williams, Ms Carroll and Mr. Butts for their preparation and support of the children on this special night!

  • Charlotte Salsone
  • Alex Nioa
  • Madisyn Leask
  • Boston Ferrari
  • Rose Earl
  • Zara Vigliaturo
  • Zac Viglliaturo
  • Angelo Natalizio
  • Havana Collins



New news!

Sacrament of First Eucharist.

Next term, on Tuesday, 23rd July, a Parent Information Night for the Sacrament of First Eucharist will be held in the Marian Centre at 7.00pm.

All families of students preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist in Term Three are asked to attend. Children are most welcome to attend if required, but this is not compulsory.



New news!

“Along the Track - Pineapple.”

In today’s newsletter, you will find another article written by Jim Quillinan entitled,  “‘Pineapple.” These articles are included in our newsletter each fortnight to hopefully open up the Scripture for you and to help you “see” the message of Jesus in a modern light.

This week’s article is all about Creation, a subject that our current Pope is passionate about.

“Pope Francis writes and speaks often of the gift of creation: “Creation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of only a few: Creation is a gift, a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude”. 

The article is worthy of a four minute read!



News reminder!

St. Mary’s Sunday Mass Invitation!

We welcome all families, especially the families of students preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation in 2024, to Mass each weekend!

Our Parish Mass times are:

Saturdays at 6.30pm.

Sundays at 10am.



With thanks,

Michelle Hicks