Nomination for School Advisory Council

Our Junior Matildas!  Great to see so many girls as active participants in our recess & lunchtime Soccer games!  Go Girls!

St Andrew’s School Advisory Council (SAC)                                (Formerly Education Board)                 Nomination for SAC Vacancies


The School Advisory Council has vacancies for a three year term, September 2024 to July 2027 inclusive. 

The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where the parent/guardian voice and perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the Principal and Parish Priest for the good of School and Parish where the wellbeing and outcomes for students is paramount. 

The main duties of the School Advisory Council are to:

  • Support the Catholic ethos of the school.
  • Assist in planning for the future development and direction of the school in consultation with the Parish Priest and Principal.
  • Assist on the setting of priorities through the use of the school's Annual Action Plan and School Improvement Plan.
  • Assist with policy development and review.
  • Assist with the process of School Review which occurs on a four year cycle.  
  • Advise on finance-related matters such as school fees and building/maintenance programs.
  • Assist on issues such as enrolments, School improvement plans and enrolment trends
  • Giving advice about the school Master Plan
  • Assist with activities that promote the school within the parish and the broader community.

The Council meets on a minimum of 6 occasions per year. 

Your commitment requires:

  • Membership for 3 years.  

Please note that membership on the School Advisory Council ceases once a Council member no longer has children enrolled at the school. 

  • Attendance at scheduled Advisory Council meetings for each year

The aim of the SAC is to provide advice to the School Leadership and Parish Priest in order for them to provide the optimum educational and spiritual environment for our children. The Council meets at regular intervals during the school year to discuss and address a range of relevant issues pertaining to the school


The Parish Priest and School Principal formally appoint Council members. Careful consideration is given to the formation of Council membership so as to reach the best possible outcome for the school community.


St Andrew’s School Advisory Council

Nomination for Council Vacancy


I _________________________________ (full name) am interested in becoming an School Advisory Council member.


Children enrolled at St Andrew’s School (include Grade level):


Contact no. ___________________________________

Date.           ___________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________


When applying for a role with the Council, it is important the following questions are answered:

  • My reason/s for applying to be a member of the School Advisory Council is/are:


  • The personal and professional skill sets I have which will assist in performing my role as a School Advisory Council member include: 


  • Additional involvement I have with either the School or the Parish includes: 



If you are interested in nominating for the role as a Council member please fill in the form and return it to the school office/or email to

by Friday 14th June 2024. 


Father Joe Shibu                    Paul Wakeling

(Parish Priest)                         (Principal)