From the Assistant Principal Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing

Mr. Jason Puttnins

Refugee Week 2024


This week we have had the opportunity to reflect on the journeys, resilience, and contributions of refugees in our community. Celebrated globally from June 16th to June 22nd, Refugee Week aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by refugees and celebrate their strength and courage in rebuilding their lives.


At St Brigid's School, we celebrated Refugee Week during Heart Learning and through Community Prayer. In their House groups and ran by our Year 6 leaders, we acknowledged the importance of Refugee Week with a shared book reading and assorted activities. This was followed by Community Prayer, conducted by Ms Edwards, which brought the us all together as school community with an open invitation to parents and family members.

One of the most enriching aspects of Refugee Week is the celebration of diversity. Refugees come from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and religions, bringing with them a wealth of experiences and perspectives that enrich our communities. This diversity not only broadens our understanding of the world but also strengthens the fabric of our society.


Beyond Refugee Week, let us strive to continue advocating for the rights and dignity of refugees throughout the year. By promoting inclusivity and understanding, we contribute to creating a world where everyone, regardless of their background, can thrive and feel safe.


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,


Jason Puttnins


Assistant Principal: Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing