From the Principal

Ms. Shannon Correll

To our wonderful school community,


As I reflect on the last four years, my heart is filled with gratitude and joy. It has been a privilege to serve as the Principal of St Brigid’s School, a community that has become like family to me. Together, we have achieved remarkable milestones that have enriched the educational experience for our students and strengthened our bonds as a community.


The relationships I have built with the families, staff, and students of St Brigid’s have been incredibly meaningful to me. From the significant improvements in teaching and learning to the steady growth in enrolments, and the exciting building works that are soon to commence, our achievements are a testament to our community working together.


I have cherished every moment of being part of this wonderful community, witnessing your children grow, learn, and flourish. The partnerships we have developed within our wider community through community hub have been particularly rewarding, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose that extends beyond our own school.


I must extend my heartfelt thanks to the exceptional Leadership Team whose support has been invaluable. Fr Selva Raj, Ms. Rozanna Elmassih (2021-2022), Ms. Paula Burns, and Mr. Jason Puttnins, their commitment and passion have been instrumental in guiding our school towards great success that it is. Working with the School Board and the Parish Pastoral Council has been a pleasure, and I am deeply appreciative of their dedication and collaboration.


To our wonderful students, you have been my greatest teachers. I have learned so much from you about resilience, creativity, and the richness of your diverse cultures. Being part of this community with you has been a rewarding experience, and I will miss you all dearly.


As I bid farewell, I carry with me countless memories and lessons that will forever shape my journey. I wish each and every one of you all the very best in your future endeavors. Continue to support one another, cherish the community spirit that defines St Brigid’s, and strive for excellence in all that you do.


Thank you for the honor of being your Principal.


With heartfelt gratitude and best wishes,

Shannon Correll
