Year 8 Italian

Si prepara la pasta fresca!

During Italian lessons in Week 10, Year 8 students learning Italian in Semester 1 gathered to make fresh pasta with their peers, diving into one of the many rich traditions of Italian culture. This event concluded their Unit 1 studies, which focused on their lives as teenagers, friendships and family.


Sharing a meal together was a final gesture acknowledging the importance of good food and great company, both integral parts of Italian culture. This hands-on culinary experience fostered a sense of community as they applied the techniques of Italian pasta-making. Together, they transformed simple ingredients into a delicious dish, enjoying the fruits of their labour while appreciating the communal spirit central to Italian dining.

The event not only honed their cooking skills but also brought them closer, highlighting the joy of sharing food and culture. It was a wonderful way to celebrate their learning journey, emphasising the value of tradition, community and the pleasures of Italian cuisine!

Bravissimi ragazzi! 


Prof Marina Raschella

Teacher of Italian