Visual Art

Year 11 and 12 Excursion to AGWA and WA Museum

On Wednesday, 5 June, the Year 11 and 12 Visual Art students embarked on an excursion to the Art Gallery of WA and the WA Museum Boola Bardip.

The day began with the students engaging in plein air drawing outside the museum, drawing inspiration from their urban surroundings. Inside the museum, Miss McKechnie and Mrs Giannopoulos guided the students through various exhibits where they explored history, took photos and documented their observations in their visual diaries.

After lunch, the students headed to AGWA, where they drew inspiration from prominent Australian and international artists featured at the gallery.


A highlight of the gallery visit was the Western Australian Pulse exhibition, which showcases artwork from the 2023 cohort of Year 12 students from across WA. This year, Mazenod College's own Old Boy, Joshua Musca, is featured with his painting, Echoes of Change: A Portrait of Martin Luther King! In addition to Joshua's impressive work, the students admired a variety of sculptures, prints, drawings and digital pieces. These artworks provided inspiration and sparked ideas for their upcoming art projects.

The Western Australian Pulse is on until July 29, 2024.