Parking and road safety
Kiss and Go - safe drop-off only
- It is important that all parents and carers respect these areas
- Kiss and Go zones are safe drop-off spaces on Murphy St and Montrose St
- You must not leave your car unattended from 8-9am and 3-4pm
Safe road behaviour
Please do not walk through the school car park when dropping kids at school and picking up.
Children should wear helmets when riding bikes and scooters to school, please always encourage safe road crossing actions including :
- Hold an adult’s hand (for children up to 10 years old).
- Choose a safe place to cross – where you have a good clear view of traffic in all directions and where drivers can see you.
- STOP one step back from the kerb or shoulder of the road if there is no footpath.
- LOOK in all directions for approaching traffic.
- LISTEN for traffic approaching from all directions.
- THINK about whether it is safe to cross the road – when the road is clear or all traffic has stopped.
- Walk straight across the road. Keep LOOKING and LISTENING for traffic while crossing