Wellbeing & Engagement
Leanne Williams - Acting Assistant Principal
Wellbeing & Engagement
Leanne Williams - Acting Assistant Principal
This is a different newsletter item from me as I handover the STEAM reins to the very capable and talented Mr. Whitten.
Thank you for all for the messages of congratulations. I am committed to continuing Nicola Smith's outstanding contribution to EPS to ensure we remain an incredible school that engages our students and strives to make them feel safe, valued, and respected.
Wellbeing curriculum plan for Term 3
In Term 3, students will be focusing on the Gender and Identify and Positive Gender Relation topics of the Respectful Relationships curriculum. Helping students to appreciate diversity and difference, challenge stereotypes, and learn about key issues relating to human rights and gender identity.
This learning will segue into our Butterfly Body Bright education later in the term. This program aims to promote healthy attitudes and behaviours towards the body, eating, and physical activity in children so they can thrive both at school and in life.
Current research tells us:
For more information on how to help your child to be BRAVE in their body check out the BRAVE tip sheet at www.butterflybodybright.org.au/resources or www.butterflybodybright.org.au
Child safety and wellbeing at Elsternwick Primary
EPS is committed to providing an environment where students are safe and feel safe.
Our child safety framework includes policies, codes and procedures that explain how we support and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students and protect them from harm. These documents are available on our website: https://elsternwickps.vic.edu.au/
We are also committed to continuous improvement of our child safety framework. We are currently reviewing our child safety policies and practices to ensure they are up-to-date and effective.
Policy updates
The following policies have been recently updated and are available on our school website:
Engagement curriculum plan for Term 3
Our talented teachers have meticulously crafted engaging and contextually relevant Big Questions for students to explore during Term 3. Remember, it is through these Big Questions that we teach the 'other' curriculum areas, such as Science and Humanities. Integrating these subjects provides a rich, transdisciplinary learning experience for students. This approach not only deepens their understanding but also helps them make connections between different subjects, enhancing their overall learning journey.