Looking for support and donations for our carnival.

Dear Mount View community,
As we embark on the preparations for our annual carnival, a highly anticipated occasion on our school calendar, it feels like just yesterday we celebrated the last one. This year, we are fortunate to host the event earlier, potentially benefiting from better weather conditions. The carnival holds a special place in the hearts of all who attend, making it a significant school gathering.
We kindly seek your support, or any organisation you may be aware of willing to contribute to the carnival through donations. These donations whether in the form of goods or cash, will be raffled off during the event to raise funds for our school.
Your generosity and support are crucial in making this event a success, and we sincerely appreciate any assistance you can provide for this cherished school event.
Please send donations to Felicity Hall-Shulman's office.
Tina Downard and the School Carnival Committee