Dates to Remember 2024
Just a little reminder
Our school gates are unlocked at 8.45am each morning to allow students to enter.
The yard is not supervised before this time.
Students can enter classrooms from 8.50am each day. The gates are locked again at 9.00am when the bell goes. The gates are unlocked again at 3.20pm and are locked by 3.45pm.
Term 1 begins Tuesday 30th January 2024 (the term officially begins on 29th January however this is a student free day)
- Mondays Assembly 9.10am
- Friday February 9th- 15th Meet the Teacher BOOKINGS OPEN!
- Friday 15th February - 22nd March -Tri Skills Yr 1/2 & 3/4
- Wednesday 21st February - Meet the Teacher Conferences - 12pm early dismissal
- Friday 23rd February 9.15- 10am - Parent Helper Induction session
- Tuesday 27th February - whole school photos
- Saturday 2nd March - Working Bee for Fete Day 12 - 3pm
- Friday 8th March - Curriculum Day - PUPIL FREE DAY
- Saturday 16th March - NPS Fete
- Tuesday 19th March - Athletics Day (Back update Tuesday 26th March)
- Thursday 28th March - End of term 1
- Friday 29th March - Good Friday
Term 2
- Mondays Assembly 9.10am
- Monday 15th April - Term 2 begins
- Thursday 6 June - Parents Battle of the Bands at The Croxton Band room.
- Tuesday 11th June - Curriculum Day - PUPIL FREE DAY
- Monday 13th -15th May - 5/6 Lady Northcote Camp
Term 3
- Mondays Assembly 9.10am
- Monday 15th July - Term 3 begins
- Wednesday 14th - 16th August - 3/4 Camp Toolangi
- Friday 23rd August - Professional Planning Day PUPIL FREE DAY
- Friday 20th September - Term 3 ends, early dismissal 2.30pm
Term 4
- Mondays Assembly 9.10am
- Monday 7th October - Term 4 begins
- Tuesday 8th - 9th October - 1/2 Mt Evelyn Camp
- Monday 4th November - Curriculum Day
- Tuesday 5th November - Melbourne Cup Day
- Friday 20th December - Term 4 ends, early dismissal 1.30pm
School Council and Sub Committee dates 2024
Wednesday 21st February 7-9pm - Finance Meeting (policies)
Wednesday 20th March 6.30pm - Annual Report Meeting
7-8.30pm - AGM, New School Council