From the Principal 

Rural educational excellence through innovation, passion and collaboration


Ngala kaadatj nidja Nyoongar Ballardong Boodja

We acknowledge this is Nyoongar Ballardong Country

Welcome to 2024!

It is with great enthusiasm that I write my first Principal's entry for the College Chatter. In a unique opportunity I was able to take on a rural Principal position without moving towns, having been Principal at Cunderdin DHS since 2020. Prior to this, I spent a collective 9 years at Tom Price SHS, and taught in some large metropolitan schools. I have developed a passion for rural education, and in my 13 years of working in country schools, I have learnt almost as much about mining and farming as I think I have taught my students about English and History. I am genuinely excited to be here at the College so as to witness first-hand the impact that can be had from teaching industry-specific learning within the industry itself.


I am pleased to welcome staff, students and their families to the 2024 school year and give a special welcome to anyone who is new to the College. Our Year 11 students arrived Monday 29 January and participated in Induction Day activities, including an excursion to the Cunderdin War Memorial Swimming Pool. This was backed up by a day of getting to know each other at Kellerberrin's newly renovated pool. The Year 12s returned throughout the evening of Tuesday 30 January, ready for our first day of successful schooling.


After only 3 (very hot) days of school, the weekend was already here and they were off to Adventure World. A massive thank you to Ms KV and her team for organising the day and taking the students for a day of fun-filled, cooling-off activities.


We understand that new students and families will take some time to adapt to our systems and routines. Please feel free to contact the College when you have any questions or issues that need resolving. Dealing with concerns early is far more effective than waiting for the situation to resolve itself.


On the first day of school I addressed all the students and simply stated the College's Core Values of: 

  • Respect for yourself
  • Respect for others
  • Respect for your environment

These three values underpin everything that makes for a successful student. Working hard in class and trying your absolute best is a form of showing respect for yourself. Showing respect for others can be as simple as listening to others and acknowledging differences in beliefs and opinions. Treating the possessions of others with care and making eco-friendly choices demonstrate a respect for the environment. Aligning our actions with these core values helps us to maintain a focus on our studies and drives us to always want to do better!


Jonathan Arnott
