Careers & VET News

Careers News
The Careers Team in 2024 hopes that students will take advantage of opportunities provided to them this year to gain knowledge and experiences that will help them as they move towards life after school. We will be talking to different groups of students throughout the year about where to find information to help them make informed decisions.
Several students attended activities organized by universities and other organisation during the recent holidays. One such opportunity was the recent National Youth Science Forum (NYSF)
National Youth Science Forum (NYSF)
The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is a not-for-profit organisation that runs several programs to encourage young people in their passion for science. Over 800 students from all over Australia applied and only 500 were accepted with one of these being Tom Melville in Year 12. The process involved a 2-hour interview process.
Tom’s NYSF Year 12 Program was designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to encourage continued studies in these fields. Students stayed at university colleges and activities included:
- tours of science and technology facilities with cutting-edge research,
- engaging with industry partners and research providers
- learning about university, training and STEM career pathways,
- networking with former NYSF participants.
Thanks go to First Light Rotary for providing Tom with this incredible opportunity, and he would highly recommend the NYSF program to anyone interested in entering a STEM-based career in the future.
Year 12
Three events will be held this term to help Year 12 students intending on studying at university. They are aimed at providing first hand information on nine universities and also for those interested in careers in health.
Southern Universities Tour 11-13th Feb
A group of fifteen McCarthy Year 12 students visited universities to check out the campuses, courses, accommodation and scholarships offered by them and were accompanied by Mr Vesey-Wells (Leader of Learning - Transitions) and Mrs Barrett (Careers Adviser).
The universities were: University of Wollongong, Macquarie University, UNSW,
University of Sydney and UTS.
Highlights included attending Discovery Day at the University of Wollongong, had dinner at Dunmore Lang College at Macquarie University after a university tour. Our guide at Dunmore Lang College was McCarthy ex-student and Dux in 2022, Clementine Monet, who is one of many Tamworth students living on campus there. Presentations and tours of three universities on Tuesday rounded off a busy and very rewarding excursion.
New England University Showcase 21st Feb
McCarthy is hosting the 2024 New England University Showcase on Wednesday 21st February from 1.45 to 3.00 as part of their tour in the New England and northwest.
We have four universities visiting us as part of the Showcase this year
University of New England (UNE) University of Newcastle (UoN)
Charles Sturt University (CSU) Southern Cross University (SCU).
Their presentation will cover how to apply, their individual different early entry schemes, courses, accommodation and scholarships. They will also be available to answer any questions and for students to collect information to help them make choices.
As their scheduled visit was organised late last year, it and happens to fall on a Wednesday B Year 12 students who are thinking of applying to University of Newcastle or any of the other three universities, need to make arrangements to be at the College by either arriving just before the Showcase or working in the library in the morning and then attending the Showcase.
Health Careers Forum 12th March
The University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health (UONDRH) will be conducting its annual Health Careers Forum for North West New England Secondary schools on Tuesday 12th March 2024
The forum will include coverage of health professions including; Medicine, Nutrition & Dietetics, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Mental Health, Medical Radiation Science, Midwifery, Nursing and Speech Pathology. Year 12 students wishing to attend will need to keep an eye on emails from Mrs Barrett.
UAC Newsletter for parents/carers of students wishing to attend university
UAC has a newsletter specifically for Year 12 parents to keep them informed about the application and uni entry process. Please subscribe by clicking here on the link or visit the 'Parents' page of the UAC website.
Careers Classrooms and codes
Students are encouraged to join the Google Classrooms which relate directly to their interests and needs.
- University & UAC Code: 2yz6h6s
- Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Work Experience Code: d6i57bo
- Part time jobs Code: o76i4pv
- Full time jobs Code: xehfpmy
Careers@McCarthy website
The information for students and parents/carers can be found on the careers website which can be accessed through the Learning page of the College website.
It has information on choosing careers, advice for year groups, TAFE, apprenticeships, universities and finding full time employment after leaving McCarthy.
Shane Vesey-Wells
Leader of Learning - Transitions
Susan Barrett
Careers Adviser (University & Subject Selection)
Samantha Cox
Careers & VET Support Officer, Education Assistant