
Welcome to 2024, we are looking forward to working with all students to ensure they continue their growth this year.
Continuing to build a learning culture with a focus on literacy and numeracy is an important part of McCarthy’s 2024 Annual Improvement Plan. The ability to use assessment data to identify student strengths and areas to improve, leads to meaningful and targeted intervention so teachers are best able to support the development of numeracy and literacy.
On February 20th all Year 7 students will complete two common online assessments as part of their transition to Year 7. These tasks are designed to measure student understanding in the areas of reading and numeracy. The results of these tasks will be a valuable tool for teachers to determine the skills and knowledge of their students and plan for their next steps in learning.
During Week 7 students in Years 7 and 9 will complete the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). This is an annual national assessment and is the only nationwide assessment that all Australian students undertake. NAPLAN is another way we can support school improvement by helping teachers to monitor student progress. Please contact the school for parent consent forms if you do not want your child to participate in NAPLAN.
Some Year 11 students will be asked in the coming days to finalise their All My Own work course with NESA. Students must complete this to be enrolled in Year 11 with NESA. Students in Years 11 and 12 who are required to demonstrate Minimum Standards in Reading, Numeracy and Writing will receive an email with scheduled times.
Sally Sparke
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Heather Burke
Leader of Pedagogy/Curriculum
Nicole Anderson
Leader of Pedagogy/Literacy