PFA Update

Thank You to Kilvington Volunteers

This week, Australia has been celebrating volunteers during National Volunteer Week. We are so fortunate to have an army of volunteers here at Kilvington, who willingly put up their hands and dedicate their time and efforts to help with PFA events and activities. 


To all our volunteers, we extend a huge thank you. Your efforts help to strengthen our wonderful community of connected and engaged families. THANK YOU!

Secondhand Uniform Shop (SHUS) - Cancelled 

Unfortunately, the SHUS opening scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday 25 May, has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.  


The next SHUS opening will be on Saturday 20 July. Thank you. 


PFA General Meeting - 28 May

The next PFA General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 28 May from 7.30 to 8.30pm in the Conference Room, Level 1, Administration Building. Everyone is welcome to attend. 

PFA refreshments at High School Musical

A big thank you to Kim Johnston and the team of volunteers who helped sell drinks and snacks at the Senior School Production of High School Musical last week. Thank you Louise Adamson, Nikki Cao, Danielle Feigin, Sarah Helmond, Andree Hubber, Jenny Jones, Lanka Nammuni, Cath Palumbo, Gaby Robinson, Jacquie Rynn, Peter Slavinskis, Danita Tucker and June Zhang. We are incredibly grateful to you all. 

PFA Staff Thank You Morning Tea - 12 June 

On Wednesday 12 June, the PFA will hold a special Thank You Morning Tea for all the staff at the School. 


We want everyone, from our fabulous teachers to our miraculous Maintenance team and everyone in between, to know how much we appreciate them and the collective work they do to make Kilvington the amazing school that it is. 

We invite all families to deliver a plate/container/packet of goodies to Main Reception from 8.00am on the morning of 12 June for staff to enjoy during the recess break. 


Some ideas include finger sandwiches, slices, scones, sausage rolls, cupcakes, cookies, tarts, pastries or mini quiches. Please include a label with your donation, and please indicate if your food is gluten free, vegan, dairy free, etc. Remember, no nuts please.


All reusable and named containers, platters, plates and stands will be available for collection from Main Reception from 2.00pm.


Students and families may also like to include a note of appreciation to share with the teachers for our 'Wall of Gratitude'. 

PFA supported events - Term 2

  • SHUS – Sat 25 May, 9.00am - 11.00am, Dalton Hall
  • PFA Meeting – Tues 28 May, 7.30 - 8.30pm, Conference Room
  • Craft Social - Sat 1 June, 2.00 - 4.00pm, email for location
  • PFA Staff Thank You Morning Tea – Wed 12 June, Multipurpose Room