Sport Highlights

Luke Bahramis, Head of Sport 

2024 Junior School Athletics Carnival 

Last Friday, the weather fortunately cooperated, allowing us to hold our Junior School Athletics Carnival. 


Duncan Mackinnon Reserve came alive with colour and song as our House Captains warmed up and energised each of the Houses with their favourite songs. 

The day was especially exciting for our Prep students, who conducted themselves like true Olympians, having a go at the jumps, sprints and throws with full enjoyment!

Parents were also in good spirits, cheering on the Houses and students to do their best. By the end of the day, there were ribbons galore, with students proudly showing off their achievements. 

A big thanks to the PE Department as well as the specialised coaches. They were professional and efficient, ensuring the day ran smoothly on schedule and engaged every student throughout.


Thanks also to our Junior School staff who diligently followed their classes, providing encouragement and support to ensure that every student was able to give their best effort.


Congratulations to Fethers House who took out the trophy on the day!

EISM Sport update

EISM Sport has kicked off with a bang for our senior teams. In our weekly afternoon competitions, Kilvington is proving to be a formidable force to reckon with! 

Our Years 8 and 9 cohort had their semi-finals last week, with 13 out of our 16 teams playing off for a grand final birth. 

This Thursday brought six grand finals. Our Basketball A Girls won their match against Knox at the Kilvington Sport Centre, drawing cheers from the huge crowd in attendance! Our Basketball C Boys also had a hard-fought win against Huntingtower at GESAC. 

Here are the final scores:

  • Basketball Boys A - Kilvington 41, Kingswood 69 (coached by Kylie Burns)
  • Basketball Boys B - Kilvington 42, Bialik 44 (coached by Anna Kasapis) 
  • Basketball Boys C - Kilvington 42, Huntingtower 24 (coached by Lachie Paice) 
  • Basketball Girls A - Kilvington 36, Knox 30 (coached by Emma Hedger) 
  • Basketball Girls C - Kilvington 12, Bialik 54 (coached by Freya Watters) 
  • Soccer Girls - Kilvington 0, Oakleigh 2 (coached by Tini Malakasiotis) 

Congratulations to all our teams who made it to the Grand Final. We're proud of your hard work and dedication.