Music Notes

Nicole Bull, Academic Dean of Performing Arts

Review of High School Musical

Last week's Senior School production of High School Musical production was a rewarding experience for all involved! 

Prior to Opening Night, the whole cast dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to rehearsals, displaying a strong work ethic and a great sense of camaraderie with each other, from high-fiving after each song to sharing food during intermission. 


It was wonderful to see the effort students put into the energetic rendition of 'Get'cha Head in the Game', the dynamic duo of Avah Quinn and Elijah Slavinskis in 'Bop to the Top', and the ensemble performance of the beloved song 'We're All in This Together'.

Overall, the production was a resounding success, creating lasting memories for the students. The cast and crew eagerly look forward to future opportunities.


Here's a review of the event from Production Captain Elijah Slavinskis, Year 11: 

Last week, we finished up our three performances of High School Musical, with almost all of them to full houses! 


Being part of this production was an incredible experience. It was definitely one of the funniest shows I've participated in at Kilvington.


Jack Campbell-Manly, Year 12, and Maya Wimalasundera, Year 11, shined as Troy and Gabriella, while Avah Quinn, Year 11, was a definite standout as Sharpay! 

Congratulations to the rest of the cast on their hard work, and I can’t wait to do it all again next year!

Kilvington Concerto Concert - 19 June 

The upcoming Concerto Concert will feature Kilvington's most talented music soloists, offering them a special opportunity to showcase their skills at the Hawthorn Arts Centre.


Soloists Angelina Zhang, Melody Xu, Sinclair McClimont, Zach McDonald and Edgar Chen will present concerto performances on piano, violin and trumpet. Unit 4 VCE Solo Music performance students, Edgar Chen and Joe Ashmore, will entertain the audience between each concerto.


The Kilvington Orchestra and Chamber Strings will provide accompaniment for the soloists' performances.


To conclude the evening, a massed choir consisting of members from the Kilvington Contemporary Choir, Kadences, Krooners, staff and past students will perform the 'Finale'.




Date:  Wednesday 19 June, 2024

Time: 7.00 - 8.30pm

Venue: Hawthorn Arts Centre

Ticket prices: $35.00 for adults, $15.00 for concession/pensioners and complimentary for students/children. Kilvington staff are entitled to one complimentary ticket.


Booking options will be made available from Monday 27 May.

Kilvington Winter Concert

The Winter Concert will give our ensemble groups an opportunity to perform to a supportive audience.  


Junior Percussion ensemble, Suzuki Intermezzo Strings, Klefs Choir, Years 1 and 2 Choir, Junior Strings, Kadenza Intermediate Concert Band, Junior Guitar ensemble, Flute ensemble and soloists will be performing.


Date: Thursday 13 June, 2024

Time: 6.00 – 8.00pm

Venue: Dalton Hall

Booking of seats is not required.

Student accomplishment 

Congratulations to Ryan Lu, Year 4, for achieving an 'A' Honours in his 6th Grade Violin Repertoire exam. Ryan's outstanding result reflects his dedication and excellence in the field of music. Well done, Ryan!

Friday Lunchtime Masterclasses

Sign-up sheets for the Friday Lunchtime Senior Masterclass are in the PVC foyer. There's no need to sign up for Junior Masterclass — just turn up and join in. 


Students presenting a work with piano accompaniment are asked to bring along the piano part with them or pass it onto Mrs Kate Cole beforehand. 

Diary dates - Term 2





Tuesday, 11 June

11.30am – 12.00pm

Dalton Hall

Years 2/3 String Program Concert

Thursday, 13 June

6.00 – 8.00pm

Dalton Hall

Winter Concert

Thursday, 6 June

11.30am – 12.00pm

Dalton Hall

Year 5 Band Concert

Wednesday,19 June

7.00 – 8.30pm

Hawthorn Arts Centre

Concerto Concert

Friday Lunchtime Masterclasses

Juniors 1.35 – 2.20pm

Seniors 12.40 – 1.30pm


