ELC News 

Lyn Pewtress, Director of the ELC 

ELC and Year 5 Buddies - Building a community within the School 

When we talk about a 'sense of community' at Kilvington, we're referring to the quality of relationships and connections that bind our students, parents and staff together.

As early childhood educators, fostering a 'sense of community' is integral to our work. It aligns with the core themes of 'belonging' and 'identity' in the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and Victorian Early Years’ Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) that shape our curriculum.


For young children, a sense of community plays an important role in the development of their feelings of security and belonging. Children thrive in an environment of mutually supportive and caring relationships. 


For this reason, we've set up a ‘Buddy Program’ pairing our Pre-Prep groups and Year 5 students. 

This partnership is especially beneficial for ELC students transitioning to the Junior School, offering them a special friend for connection and support. As part of the program, ELC children meet regularly with their buddies each term, participating in collaborative activities designed by the teachers.

Last week marked their first meeting, where buddies had the chance to enjoy the ELC space together.

Mothers and Special Friends Day ... with a twist! 

Our ELC three-year-old and Pre-Prep students recently welcomed their mums and special friends into their groups for a morning of arts and craft, singing and dancing (to The Twist!). 

A great time was had by all!